Aktuální max. rychlosti letounu Shark |
Se základními kryty kol hlavního podvozku, zatím bez krytů příďového podvozku a stále s vrtulí Woodcomp 3000 2W (podle woodcompu tahle vrtule není z jejich vrtulí "nejrychlejší") dnes 17.12.2009 Shark nalétl:
Počasí v ČR
Eric Barberini reached FAI record 303 km/hour |
Napsal uživatel Jaroslav Dostál |
Sobota, 08 Srpen 2015 14:35 |
FAI web site shows next world speed records of Shark in microlight RAL2T category , performed by Eric Barberini in specially adapted Shark, with SODEMO engine kit and DUC propeller : FAI Record File Num #17582 FAI Record File Num #17582... Status: preliminary record claim received Region: World Class: R (Microlights and paramotors) Sub-Class: RAL2T (Microlights : Movable Aerodynamic Control / Landplane / Flown with two persons / Thermal Engine) Performance: 303.00 km/h Date: 2015-06-30 Course/Location: Cuers (France) Claimant Eric De Barberin-Barberini (FRA) Crew Antoine Seidner (France) ; 43682, Microlight: Shark This speed record was performed by Eric Barberini and Antoine Saidner, using special engine 100HP power increasing set SODEMO ( see www.sodemo.com , www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVXlm9gDOAY ) ... and special DUC propeller ( www.duc-helices.com )
You can see, record was performed with help of both companies teams - see picture of happy gyus ;) It is nice , our baby can cross 300km/hour border as the first ultralight, thanks Eric - and great congratulation !!! - we hope this record can be FAI confirmed soon, to open Champagne bottles here - by whole Shark's development team : its aerodynamic creators, designers, stressmens and producer too.
... and You can see - this record was performed with preliminary engine cowlings, and still without any undercarriage cowlings - so, there are some kilometers per hour "in the reserve" It is nice to be by 300km/hour border crossing : www.fai.org/fai-record-file/?recordId=17582