Napsal uživatel Administrator
Pondělí, 01 Únor 2010 20:49 |
Napsal uživatel Administrator
Čtvrtek, 31 Prosinec 2009 20:37 |
Napsal uživatel Jaroslav Dostál
Neděle, 31 Květen 2009 14:19 |
PILOTES magazine No.16 published complex of articles about AERO Friedrichshafen 2009.
Francois Besse used example of Shark development to show influence of economical crisis to new aircraft development .
click to second picture - to read this Shark's part of his article : |
Napsal uživatel Jaroslav Dostál
Neděle, 05 Říjen 2008 12:03 |
Ever met someone you instantly liked? The MD3 Rider is one friendly yet .
By James Lawrence
Someone recently told me that all LSA are 'fun' and pretty much fly the same. That notion challenges my beliefs. Everything in life is subjective, even scientific observation. And if you're the least bit sensitive to your environment, you'll probably agree that any vehicle, just like any person you meet, has a distinct feel and personality. Call it the Mazda Miata vs. VW Beetle syndrome: Every ride has its own ineffable feel.
My bias was reinforced when I made my first flight in the MD3 Rider. I didn't know exactly why initially, but I immediately felt at home in the friendly little airplane. The Rider comes from European sport aircraft maker Flyitalia (www.flyitalia.it), based near Milan, Italy. Designed by celebrated Czech designer Jaroslav Dostál, the S-LSA, which received ASTM approval in April, is conventionally built with an all-metal semi-monocoque airframe and aluminum skin. We'll get to the design and construction in due course.
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Napsal uživatel Jaroslav Dostál
Neděle, 25 Květen 2008 15:14 |
MD3 Rider is noticed in the article about this year Sun'n Fun airshow:
Making its american debut at the show was the Italian-built MD3 Rider. The all-metal, semi-monocoque, high-wing aircraft is built by Flyitalia and distributed by Space Coast Aviastion Services Inc., from Sharpes, Fla. One of the LSA's options is that it can come with folding wings and tail for simpler storage.
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